Monthly Archives: May 2016

Vote for my VMworld Sessions

I have three sessions proposed for VMworld and I need your help to get there!  If you enjoyed my blog posts on automation or the Jenkins Plugin for vRA, now’s your change to support me.

You can vote for my sessions even if you are not attending VMworld.

  1.  Login to .  Remember, you don’t have to attend VMworld, but you do have to create a login to the vmworld site to vote.
  2. Select the star by my session to count as a vote, like the screen shot below!VMworldVote.png

My sessions are below.  Click the links and please vote!

Going Cloud Native: Kube-up, getting swarm, we made a mesos! [8916]

  • Paul Gifford and I will both bring our beards and talk about how Photon Controller integrates with Kubernetes, Swarm and Mesos!

vRA, API, CI, Oh My!!! [7674]

  • Did you enjoy the vRA Jenkins Plugin?  Come listen to Ryan Kelly and I talk about DevOps best practices with vRA.  We’ll feature how Code Stream is used to manage the pipeline for the Jenkins vRA plugin project and other good stuff I am currently writing!

Putting Dev into DevOps with vRealize Automation [7673]

  • Looking for an intro to Agile development and how to integrate vRA with Agile?  Ryan Kelly and I have just the intro for you!